Kent State University
Research Study #4: Cognitive Support Technology for Postsecondary Students with Traumatic Brain Injuries: A Randomized Clinical Trial at the Intervention Efficacy Stage of Research
Led by Dr. Mykal Leslie's research team at Kent State University.This Randomized Control Trial initiative (Intervention Efficacy) is designed to improve the academic and employment outcomes of students with traumatic brain injuries (TBI) in post-secondary education.

Mykal Leslie, PhD, LPCC, CRC
Mykal Leslie, PhD, LPCC, CRC is a faculty member and program coordinator of the Rehabilitation Counseling program at Kent State University in Ohio and a researcher within the Center for Disability Studies at Kent State University. A nationally certified rehabilitation counselor and licensed professional clinical counselor in Ohio, Mykal received his bachelor's degree in Psychology from Marietta College, his master's degree in Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling from Ohio University, and his Ph.D. at Kent State University in Counselor Education and Supervision. Over the course of his career he has authored and co-authored over 25 nationally peer- reviewed journal articles and textbook chapters spanning the topics of workplace discrimination, emerging disabilities, workplace accommodations, substance use disorders, and employment concerns of people with neurological disorders. His research interests include neurological disabilities, substance use disorders, disabilities and aging, transition issues of students with mental and physical disabilities, psychosocial adjustment to disability, and workplace discrimination experiences of Americans with disabilities. Mykal has presented research findings locally, regionally, and on a national level.