Article Details

Article Details

Citation:  Hansen, K. & Keeton, B., & Jones, J. (2023). Understanding the provision of self-employment for people with disabilities in the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program: A policy review.. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 59 (1), 25-40.
Title:  Understanding the provision of self-employment for people with disabilities in the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program: A policy review.
Authors:  Hansen, K. & Keeton, B., & Jones, J.
Year:  2023
Journal/Publication:  Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation
Publisher:  IOS Press
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Peer-reviewed?  Yes
NIDILRR-funded?  No

Structured abstract:

Background:  State vocational rehabilitation (VR) agencies play a critical role in helping people with disabilities gain employment; however, self-employment remains an infrequent outcome for VR participants even though self-employment rates are disproportionately higher for people with disabilities than the general population.
Purpose:  The study provides a broad review and analysis of state VR self-employment policies to identify barriers that impede equitable access to self-employment services and provide recommendations on how to address these nationally.
Data collection and analysis:  The policy analysis included reviewing 73 VR state and territory agency’s policies across the country, using data from the RSA-911 self-employment data and other sources about the self-employment process through VR agencies.
Findings:  Currently less than 2% of VR participants exit into self-employment nationwide. Three policy areas that could increase outcomes for self-employment are self-employment assessments, market analysis or business planning requirements, and self-employment funding and financing guidelines.
Conclusions:  Policymakers need to explore new opportunities to address unintended barriers and increase equitable access to self-employment such as replacing trait focused self-employment assessments, providing technical assistance from the beginning of the self-employment process, and develop funding policies that better align with those for wage employment services.

Disabilities served:  Multiple disabilities
Interventions:  Vocational rehabilitation
Outcomes:  Self-employment